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Three Kinds of Expats

A friend here in NY, who has nothing to do with the Budapest crowd, named Paul Frankenstein (yes, that's his real name), observes this on his blog as he sets off for a trip of undetermined length (three months, I thought) to China:

As I head off into the night (yes, I’m packed now) a parting thought:

There are three kinds of expats:

  1. Expats who head out on a one-year assignment and come back after three months.
  2. Expats who head out on a one-year assignment and come back after three years.
  3. Expats who head out on a one-year assignment and come back after thirty years.

Sounds about right. What kind of expat are you?

Rick E. Bruner | Expat Philosophy | Apr 24, 2004 | Comments (2)


I've never contributed to a ``blog'' before (Rick, stop laughing RIGHT NOW.). Theresa Agovino told me about this site. I'm deeply saddened to hear about carl. He was one of the first people I met when I arrived in Budapest in 1994, and I really enjoyed his friendship. Carl as a Budapester reminded me of a New Yorker - complaining all the time about the place, but loving it to death. I especially appreciated how he touted the city's grimiest sorozos, but went to Becketts anyway. We'll miss you, Carl. Susan Milligan (now in Washington)

Susan Milligan | Jul 22, 2004

Ha, so true.

Well, I already am #2 but I am about to "head out" again. We'll see, maybe I'll make #3.


Expat | Apr 13, 2010