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Duncan Shiels R.I.P

Photo by Zoltan Kerekes

It is with great sadness I write with the news that our dear friend Duncan Shiels, pioneering expat journalist in Budapest, died just over a week ago in London of cancer. Please share your memories of this great man in our comments field, if you wish. More details of his life in a rememberance in the Budapest Sun, as well on an excellent site for his memoriy put together by friends, DuncanShiels.com.

A memorial for Duncan is planned for November 18 in Budapest. For details, please consult DuncanShiels.com.


Rick E. Bruner | | Oct 30, 2006 | Comments (17)


Thanks for the Duncan RIP, just for the record, I think though the photo is owned by Attila Ledenyi, it was taken by Zoltan Kerekes.

Adele Eisenstein | Nov 22, 2006

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Bill Nguyen | Jan 16, 2007

Hi Rick, I think this is probably the only place for a humble note that there has been a re-launch of The Daily Czech, which has been silent for quite a while. It is now called The Czech Daily Word and can be found at http://czechdaily.wordpress.com
Petr B

The Daily Czech | Jul 6, 2007


I think you might want to add http://www.linkexpats.com (connecting expatriates and communities in the world) to you list of links for expatriates.

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